Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is music that guys/boys listen to?

You could listen to bands Like a beautiful lotus,nevershoutnever,amycanflyy lookem up there 3different genres u may like

Can someone check my spanish please?

�l estaba adolorido pero no quer�a sentirse avergonzado por sus amigos. Tom� la fortaleza de sus amigos y como un h�roe gan� el juego.

Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?

You've asked this question a couple times and a lot similar to it many times. Why don't you just read the answers to your other 20 questions just like this one?

Why does my ex, father of my daughter, new chic doesn't allow him to call me for our daughter?

Sounds like he doesn't feel like working and is too immature for a child. You both made a mistake by having a child.

Native speakers, does this Spanish make sense?

"Dal� nunca respondi� a preguntas sobre sus obras de manera seria, pero no olvidemos que fue un fil�sofo as� como un artista."

Good Novels to Read.?

I am a seventh grader, and I will read any novels for middle school and up, including adult books. I like the genres fiction, sci fi, etc. Some classics would be preferred but not too much please.

SPANISH SPEAKERS: i need someone to see if what i am saying is correct.?

Esta es una foto del a�o pasado. La foto es del equipo de baloncesto de la escuela. Fue tomada despu�s de que hab�a ganado un torneo de baloncesto en [la] escuela Nonesuch. En la foto [est�n] Selin, Rhoda, Rachael, Steph, Gemma y Ola.